onsdag 24 september 2014

University facts


This post will contain information regarding the current systems at UC Berkeley and at University of Borås. Even though there are significantly differences between the two universities regarding size, admission rate, research orientation, funding etc., both face somewhat similar overall problem when it comes to teaching and doing so at a defined cost.

UC Berkeley (Bonnie Azab Powell)
The University of California was certified in 1868 and its major campus was situated in Berkeley and envisioned as a "City of Learning". In total there are 36,204 students (Fall 2013) of which 25,951 are undergraduates and 10,253 pursuing graduate (including master and PhD) degrees. Roughly equal amount of both sexes (slightly more women in the undergraduate and vice versa for the graduate studies). There are 350 programs that end with a degree. Today, there are 1,620 fulltime and 616 part-time faculty members at the university. The university has had 22 Nobel laureates of which 8 are current faculty. The revenues were $2.16 billion in 2012-13 and in the 2013-14 fiscal year, Berkeley received $730.7 million in research funding.

University of Borås (Jerker Andersson),license
The University of Borås was founded in 1977 within the Swedish Higher Education Reform. It has its roots as an educational institute since the later part of the 19th century. There are 13,299 registered students (corresponding to 5896 full time students) of which 13% is on the advanced (master) level. The students are either taken one of the 94 programs that end with a degree or separate courses. In 2013, the proportions of students were 73% female and 27% male. At the university, there are 395 members of the teaching faculty (of which about 200 are adjunct teachers with special trade and industrial knowledge). Of the faculty, 49 are full professors.  Total revenues in 2013 were 586 million SEK ($ 82.1 million) and the research funding were the same year 117 million SEK ($16.3 million). 

From these numbers, it is clear that UC Berkeley has higher research intensity than University of Borås (34% and 20% of total revenue respectively) and that the overall research is attracting almost 45 times more research funds. 

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